From a Distance...

In Disney's California Adventure, a gigantic piece of art spans both sides of it's entrance. From a distance, you may think this is a huge painting. Upon closer inspection you'll see that this is in reality a tile mosaic. Each piece merely a shape of gold or blue tile, but together they create one glorious coherent image. 


There are many mosaics throughout California Adventure. It's amazing how much detail and craftsmanship goes into something as simple as a park bench. It may not even be part of an attraction but it's there creating a mood, telling a story.

From a distance our lives may seem ordinary and inconsequential. Look closer and you'll see that each small experience adds something to us. Each small act of kindness adds to the world. Each dream joins with another until it can no longer be ignored.

You are not a small person, you are an infinite person made up of small thoughts, dreams and actions. You would never look at a single piece of tile and call it a masterpiece, why would you look at one small life experience and say it defined who you are.

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